Sound System for Bell Huey (204 / 205)

Adriano Martoni -



First of all, make a backup of your actual Huey sonds. Then delete all the content of the folder.

Now, move all the files of this folder to the "sound" folder of your Huey.

Ok. Now follow the instruction below to make the sounds work in FS.

*** ATTENTION ****

To hear the sounds in your FS you need to do a little change in the "Aircraft.cfg" of your Huey:

open the "Aircraft.cfg" of your Huey with notepad and find the "[GeneralEngineData]" section, then change the number showed below to "5".

engine_type=5 <------------------ Change this number to 5
Engine.0=8.3, 0.0, 0.4


- All sounds are made by me. Changes, coping and unautorizing use of this sounds are not allowed.

- Unauthorized distribution os this files wont be tolerated.

Thanks and have a nice flights!